Soul Navigator
& Purpose Seeker

Ready for a transformative, time collapsing, soul diving, clearing your sh*t exploration of your life and relationships? Then you belong here.


 Welcome Darlings,

I help high-achieving women, who ‘should be happy’, find their true purpose that actually make them happy and start living their best life.

You always have the ability to start fresh & we write your reality. Through  advanced healing modalities, I will bring you through my framework to help investigate what is causing this “stuckness” in your life & guide you through with tools & resources to help get you to the other side— to joy & fulfillment! 

Let’s bring back your HAPPY, Sis!


This is a 90-minute deep dive session(with a week of strategy) to UNCOVER what's blocking you, investigate root causes, identify the reasons, and provide a strategy to tap into your true potential.

Finding Your

Together over 12 weeks we will identify and clear up, what’s holding you back and really bring you back what makes you truly happy. Finding the True North, the purpose that makes you feel happy, free, balanced and living that dream life.


Hello, Beauties!

I’m Marissa Lane, a Soul Navigator & Purpose Seeker on a mission to guide high-achieving women back to their most authentic selves, or what I like to call their True North. I work with clients on an intuitive level (channeling messages directly from Spirit), as well as through mediumship, energy work, and other spiritual modalities to help them clear the sh*t out of their current realities!

My approach is strongly rooted in my spiritual knowledge, compassion, love and laughter so that my clients can feel supported as they consciously unlock their greatest potential.

I'm a former perfectionist, who had it all together (or thought I did), did all the things by society’s standards…thinking that once I’d reached all of the points in life that everyone else wanted me to, that I’d be happy. 

Spoiler Alert: I wasn't. I wanted more and something deeper out of life—and my clients do, too.  

I went on a quest to find soul purposeful living. While working with a Shaman I quantum leaped my healing experience, opened myself up to receiving my gifts, and found my soul purpose.

How do you uncover YOUR soul purpose? It is finding healing in order to live your best life. With my straight channel to Spirit, mediumship, and moving energy, I lead you down the path of self love and stepping into your own abundance your way.

  • Denice Gonzalez-Kim.

    “I connected with Marissa at a time in my life where I had shattered many ceilings but there was a ceiling I couldn't identify. I was about 6 months postpartum, which meant my identity was also undergoing a transformation. In a few weeks I would go back to work at my corporate job. I felt like I needed someone to coach me through this time, the knowns and the unknowns, and to support me emotionally and spiritually.

    I decided to go 'all-in' and book a 4-month container. I've done group programs before but I felt I needed dedicated one-on-one time. Words simply cannot describe the value I received from working with Marissa, my experience was truly priceless.

    In our conversations I felt seen, heard, acknowledged and like I was making steps in the direction that needed the next step. My relationship with my SELF was what came out the strongest. I've always taken pride in how I looked out for myself, it turns out, I still had some work to do on the inside. Self-forgiveness was the best thing that I worked on during my time with Marissa. It took a while to get to that but it feels so good, I feel like a different person. I show up stronger professionally and personally. I don't think I could have gotten here alone...maybe in a decade? but definitely not in 4 months.

    As I write this, my daughter is now almost 16 months, I feel so proud of who I am and how I show up for myself. In working on myself I show her what it means to be a woman that cares about herself and loves herself. I know that I am setting an excellent example for her. Thank you Marissa for the work you do. I hope you know you are truly changing lives and breaking generational chains.”

  • Heather F.

    I felt stuck heading into my work with Marissa. Things just weren't 'flowing' the way I wanted them to in my relationships and my work, and I didn't feel like I was setting boundaries in service of my own happiness. After working with Marissa in her 10 week container, I felt major transformations in many of those areas of my life! Specifically, I found more balance and was able to say "no" with ease to the things that didn't fill me up, and started investing in the things that really do bring me energy. I healed some significant relationship roadblocks with my parents, and found a new meaningful connection with my daughter. I also was able to harness my own self confidence to make major leaps in my own career - taking on new coaching clients, securing a role as a board advisor (a goal I have had for years), and stepping into my power with co-workers to strengthen relationships in a way that I had not done before. I had been in therapy on and off for years - not realizing results like this. You won't regret partnering with Marissa on a healing journey - she's amazing!

    Coach, CMO, Advisor, Mom

  • Maureen W.

    Working with Marissa in True North was, for lack of a better term, life changing. I was hesitant in the beginning because I was afraid of how painful it would be to witness and clear the father wounds I had been hiding from my entire life. After some time, I decided that I was worth being healed. I was worth being whole, no matter the cost. Marissa was an amazing coach, having the patience of a saint when I resisted advice and veered off track. While there were times when things were difficult, Marissa never once gave up on me or allowed me to wallow in self pity. The safety and security I felt with her while working through my father wound was what I needed to truly break free from it. As our time went on and I began to heal, there were tangible events happening in my life to show me my work was working. My business began to flourish, I began to set boundaries and stick to them and at the end of our time together I received a letter in the mail (12 years after my father passed) informing me he had a life insurance policy that had funds in it that I was entitled to. *MIND BLOWN* I literally moved across the country and somehow this letter found me after Marissa and I had healed a lifetime of wounding. This is more than a coincidence. This is the magic of a coaching container facilitated by a powerful guide and healer. I can't say enough about True North and Marissa.”

  • Ashley H.

    “Working with Marissa has drastically changed the way I show up for myself and my relationships. I have found my voice and now stand up for what I need in a healthy and confident way. She’s also helped me move past certain triggers way faster that previously would send me into a downward spiral for weeks. I am so grateful for all the tools that Marissa has helped me acquire. I am excited to see where my future takes me, now with a new perspective.”

    -Ashley H.

  • Andrea M.

    “Prior to working with Marissa, I was feeling stuck and really stagnant in life/relationships. I just couldn't move forward in the ways I desired and didn't understand why. My entire experience with " Finding Your True North" changed me in ways I couldn't have imagined, ways that have been openly recognized by my family and friends.

    I've worked with a few spiritual coaches, and while they were good at identifying some of the things I needed to work on—they didn't provide me with the "how". That's the magic that Marissa has provided. She helped me identify what was holding me back, why it was holding me back, and how to work through it. The tools she provides have become a daily foundational practice and have propelled me into the "yumminess" that I craved!

    Working with Marissa has pushed me in the best ways:

    I moved to the city I've always wanted to be in, mended relationships that needed to be healed, let go of many of the people and thoughts that were holding me back, learned how to identify my common triggers, and work through them with a confidence, calmness, and comfort that I didn't know I had. In retrospect, these weren't hard decisions... I just needed your gift to help me jump... and now I'm there!! I’m soaking in all the good stuff that comes from the work you encouraged me to do!

    I have an endless amount of gratitude for Marissa and her work is special! I look back at how I felt the 1st time we met compared to now and don't even recognize that person. Finding Your TrueNorth was a true gift and I'm so excited to continue growing under her guidance, it just keeps getting better and better!

    -Andrea M.

  • Amber B.

    True North has changed my life forever. Marissa created a safe, accepting space for me to slow down, go inward, and finally heal from trauma that was subconsciously holding me back. I went into it wanting to work on my money mindset… and quickly learned that the root of it all was me learning to see my worth, forgive, and step into my own power and path. This experience has helped me calm my nervous system, show up to family events without people pleasing, and my business is THRIVING with the new energy and space.

  • Jennifer P.

    I started with Marissa when I was at a point in my life where I had to make some important life decisions and determine what I wanted for the next stage of my personal and professional life. From the very first session Marissa was able to ask the questions and guide me through past events I didn’t even realize were blocking my path forward. Throughout my time with Marissa, I was able to address relationships and goals and make decisions knowing that I was on the right path and that I could trust my intuition moving forward. Within a very short time, Marissa was able to help me address and heal trauma with my dad and answer some unknown questions regarding my mother’s history and some family mysteries. My relationship with my ex-husband is improving because I now understand my triggers and don’t need to second guess myself or try to change what can’t be changed. On the professional side, I was able to be open to unexpected business opportunities in Italy and am ready to move forward because I know I can trust my intuition and am open and ready for all that comes! All of this in a very short period of time and with confidence that I’m where I should be and moving in the right direction.

  • Amy W.

    When I started with Marissa I was lost, disconnected, no identity or direction in my life. She guided me to heal my childhood trauma around my mother, finding the power of saying “No” and standing up for myself. My father had passed away unexpectedly and came through in our first session. I was able to heal my relationship with him, bring closure to his death but most importantly bring peace to our entire relationship. Through this container I became a more present wife and mother, I understood the importance of listening and being present in the moment. Marissa has helped me gain confidence in my own skin and personal relationships, finding my voice, and understanding my own self-worth. This has also translated to sifting through a 29-year toxic career, that I finally left!! Now I’m in a more purposeful career path with my new job!!

  • Pilar D.

    I am amazed at how much self-work we got done in such a short span of time! I've been in therapy multiple times and over long stretches, but this was different. It was so much deeper than I had ever gone before and each session moved the needle A LOT. I am truly free from my early childhood traumas now and beginning to live a much more open and authentic life.

    I feel AWESOME. I have moved some major energy and cleared through lots of blocks.

  • Elizabeth B.

    Marissa helped me get through an extremely difficult point in my life. It was impacting every area including my marriage, which was on the verge of breakdown. Her guidance is clear and grounded. She helped me see a new perspective; the full reality of the situation I was in; how I was creating it and she helped me see exactly what I needed to do to fix it.

  • Jennifer H.

    Oh my gosh, Marissa! Thank you so much for your work. It has changed our lives!! My husband took back his power, quit his job, retired early and we have called in miracle money!

    You’re the best!!! Wow…we’re so happy and living such a joyful and free life!

    You truly have a gift, like none other I’ve ever seen! I can’t wait to hear about your success and helping other people empower themselves by clearing their shit!

Setup a free 15-minute discovery call!

If you have a questions, set up a 15-minute discovery chat to make sure we are a fit or get in touch here. I look forward to connecting!
